Who We Serve

Our clinic exists to serve the needs of the most vulnerable pregnant mothers in the community with social challenges.

We know from current research that pregnant mothers with social risk factors have higher rates of poor pregnancy and birth outcomes. Our goal is to provide social support, spiritual care, and trauma-informed care to enhance the experience and health of moms and babies in our care.

What qualifies as a social risk factor?

The following social situations qualify clients for prenatal and postpartum care with us:

  • Unplanned teen or college pregnancy (age 13-22)

  • Incarceration (we do prenatal and postpartum visits right at Middle River Jail)

  • Having a partner that is incarcerated

  • Domestic violence

  • Food or housing insecurity (homelessness) in the last year

  • Unsupported pregnancies (without a partner)

  • Substance abuse within the last year

  • Lack of financial resources or insurance

  • Mental health diagnosis (ie. depression, anxiety, PTSD)

    *We gladly take referrals from crisis pregnancy centers, high school nurses, homeless shelters, and other non-profits and governmental agencies.

Let’s work together

Interested in receiving prenatal and postpartum care from us? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can't wait to hear from you!