Opening August 2024


Opening August 2024 〰️

Personalized pregnancy care and doula services

Providing vulnerable pregnant mothers in the Shenandoah valley with no or low-cost medical care, support, and community.

Our approach

We are a non-profit charitable clinic that believes every vulnerable pregnant mother should be able to access quality prenatal and postpartum midwifery care and support regardless of her financial situation. We provide un-rushed visits to get to know and understand the unique needs of our clients, with the goal to not only address physical health, but also meet social, emotional, and spiritual needs.

Heather Soper, Certified Nurse Midwife

“You’ll never find a more transformative time physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually in a woman’s life than when she has a baby. For the vulnerable, it is often the most challenging time.”

Supporting vulnerable pregnant mothers in our community.

What do we mean by “vulnerable”?

Vulnerable pregnant mothers are those who lack social support, increasing the risk of pregnancy complications and negative outcomes for their babies. These include:

  • Single pregnant mothers without a partner

  • Unplanned teen or college pregnancy

  • Unable to afford or access prenatal care (uninsured/underinsured)

  • Domestic violence or abuse

  • Housing and food insecurity

  • Substance abuse, or in recovery

  • Incarceration, or having a partner that is incarcerated

Our services

  • Prenatal and postpartum care

    Compassionate care is provided by Heather Soper, Certified Nurse Midwife, and appointments last up to 45 minutes long. Visits are monthly from 12-28 weeks, every other week from 28-36 weeks, and weekly from 36 weeks until delivery. Labor and birth is at the client’s hospital of choice with the on-call OB or midwife.

  • Labor/postpartum doula care

    Doulas provide 4 prenatal visits to plan for the birth, attend the client’s labor and birth in the hospital, and provide 4 visits postpartum to support the mother, baby, and her feeding goals.

  • Community connection

    We provide community referrals for support through local churches, businesses, and non-profits that support our client’s physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs.

  • Mothers in Healing

    Our volunteers provide grief support and deliver love baskets to mothers in the community who are facing the loss of their baby through miscarriage or stillbirth. We hope to start this program early fall 2024.

We love mothers.

Providing pregnant mothers with a safe space to be known, heard, and supported.

All appointments take place in our welcoming office environment within the walls of Waynesboro FM Church. Every prenatal, postpartum, and doula visit is located in a cozy space where we can chat privately, discuss educational topics to prepare for birth and postpartum, answer questions, and perform medical care. We even provide our clients with complimentary vitamin supplements, a toddler play area, and referrals within the community to help mothers access resources needed for a healthy pregnancy.


It takes a community.

Can it be done alone? Yes, but we are here to come alongside pregnant mothers by offering personalized care and resources. We want to help mothers connect with various supports such as doula services, education, and the support of the community and local church so becoming a mother is a supported experience, not an isolated one. We want to help mothers thrive, not just survive pregnancy and the transition into motherhood.

See if you are eligible for prenatal care with us.

Doulas are available to anyone in the community with Virginia Medicaid or Medicaid MCO’s.